Introduction Evening

The 2024 Introduction Evening took place on Saturday 13th April 2024 at the City Chambers.

Our first fundraising event of the year, the ‘Introduction Night’ is a traditional event when our newly elected Edinburgh Captain and Edinburgh Lass are introduced.  These highly coveted roles are filled by elected candidates, who will be presented with their titled Sashes, installing them in their roles as the City of Edinburgh’s  Principals for the Edinburgh Riding of the Marches.

The evening included the Official Declaration by the Edinburgh Lord Provost, Robert Aldridge, a buffet, disco and a fantastic raffle.


2024 Edinburgh Captain, Robbie Houstoun

Captain Robbie Houstoun serves with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards.

2024 Edinburgh Lass, Kirsty Symon

2024 Lass Kirsty Symon is an Equine Hospital Groom at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.